Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Random Thoughts.....

First off.. Yesterday was a GREAT DAY... I woke up and hit 10.7lbs lost.. I worked out to Turbo Jam in the morning and had my food all ready for the whole day. I didnt cheat.. didnt want to cheat...and wasnt hungry at all really... I had to force myself to eat 1100 calories.. WHAT..... I could hit 1100 calories in one McDonalds meal (a place I do not eat at anymore :) ) I also came home and was motivated still. I went for a 4 mile walk took me about an hour to do .. While I was doing I called my sister.. she is my biggest inspiration... I have talked about her before, but in case you have not read it in the past ..she is great.. She is fit, healthy and happy. She is running marathons and eating healthy and taking care of her two sons..MY CUTE NEPHEWS... She is 3 years older than I am and 1000% healthier and skinnier than I am.. I want to one day go to her house and say hey, I like that skirt... Can I borrow it? or like when she comes for Christmas I want to go for a jog and be able to keep up with her.. One day I WILL run a marathon with her.. That is my biggest goal aside from losing over 120lbs... I love her and she inspires me more than she will ever know.
Moving on.. Weight today.. 266.2 = 11.3 lbs lost.. I just might make my first mini goal 259.4 by August 31st 6.8lbs to go.. .I also want you guys to know that the contest at my work I am still winning... woohoo.......
One other thing I wanted to mention is how sick and tired I am of infomercials.. and show about weight loss..and some MAGICAL program, potion or whatever ....... I dont know about you, but I am SICK of it.. I know that I did give in and got Turbo Jam but that was because of all the people at sparkpeople.com that have used and talked so good about it... I can not go 10 minutes on T.V. without something mentioned about weight....I know that there are a ton of people over weight but making them feel worthless isnt helping them... Yes some of them give you the inspiration but a lot makes the overweight people feel worse..Like when you go and watch a T.V. show and a girl that is a size 16 is made teased and talked about how fat she is.. and then you have me watching it a six tight 20 and saying man I wish that I was a size 16.. I do not about you.. but I wish that they could only do these infomercials on certain channels...
Well I have to get back to work now.. I will be back tomorrow hopefully able to tell you I had a loss again.

1 comment:

MomeRath said...

Hello fellow sparker. I agree with you on the adverts. They are terrible, and I feel bad for the people who buy into them.

Keep up the good work.