Friday, September 19, 2008

Holding YOURSELF accountable...

I dont know where to really start with this except for the fact that I SUCK at it.. I have done everything I can to try to hold myself accoutable... I am on, I have my own blog 2bhappyandhealthy4ever.blogspot.c0m, I have my sister following it, I have my friends following it and well a contest with 3 people at work.. Normally I am all over competetion I hate to lose.. but see I am noticing that I know that the contest ends December 19th so I am slacking.. I am real bad when Adam is at is Grandmothers house from Wednesday at 1:00 until Saturday at 3:00, that is a lot of alone time and to much time to be bored.. When I am bored I eat.. When I am sad I eat .. When I am stressed I eat... When I am hungry I eat... SO basically when I am ANYTHING I eat.. lol.. Only it isnt funny.... I want to know what more I can do to get myself going... What can I do to change this cycle I am in... I have all of the tools.. I feel like I am on a broken record everything I say I know .. ITS EXCUSES.. why cant I get past this stage I am in... I dont want to live like this anymore.... Bringing back up the Biggest Loser when the doctor showed the contestants there real ages.. OMG... what would mine say.. comparing to the girls on there I would guess I am 50 and I know 50 isnt old.. but when you are 29 and have the insides of a 50 year old..... Wooooooaaaaaaaaa STOP .... I CAN NOT let this happen to me.. I dont even have a baby yet and I have a great boyfriend (husband) someday and I am 29 I want to live... I dont want to die at 70 you know.. So here is the problem I have no clue what to do and where to start or what to do period I want this so bad it hurts... So I asking for help... and I know that you guys try.. I just need something more.. Any ideas let me know... and as always thanks for your help.... One thing I hope that will help me is the fact that I am joing the Y this week.. That should help me not be bored and lonely while he is gone...


Anonymous said...

I don't know how motivational I can be but I know what I did for myself. When I first started on this journey, I cut clippings from "Shape" magazine and hung them on walls, cupboards, etc. all around the house. I found pics of 'real' people and read their stories. You have friends and family, I used my kids to talk to. I showed them the pics and told them, "Mommy wants to look like that."

In late June I started to get very unmotivated. I was watching tv one evening when an ad for the Wright Patterson AFB marathon (1/2 marathon, 10K and 5K) came on. It was just what I needed; a new goal. I talked to my folks and my dad and I decided to enter the 5K. Now I had something new to work for. I knew I could walk the 3.1 miles but I wanted to jog it. Oh ya, I didn't want to finish last, either. So I began trying to get in shape for that. I don't know how it will turn out, it is this evening.

Not too long after that, I saw pics of myself from last Christmas. OMG!!!!! That has helped also. Motivation and accountability come from different places for everyone. I hope I gave you a couple ideas that might help.

Fellow DONE girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I think part of the problem is that you're looking outside yourself and to other people for things that can ONLY come from you. We can all give you tons of suggestions about what you should do, what's worked for us, tips for how you might motivate yourself intrinsically, extrinsically. But Kristin, the bottom line is this: the choice to make a permanent and lasting change entails waking up every morning and making a decision about who you want to be and what you intend to do to get yourself there. Being healthy is a choice you have to make repeatedly, EVERY DAY, often several TIMES a day. There's no magic button that you push to become more motivated, no secret recipe for successfully living healthfully. You simply wake up in the morning and decide what you want and how you need to set about to get it. And you look not further than the goals and obstacles of that single day. Then you wake up the next day and do the same thing. Suddenly, 365 days have passed and you no longer need to consciously think about your choices when you wake up in the morning.

But if you're waiting for some sort of awakening, you could be waiting for an awfully long time. Often, motivation isn't that simple or cut and dry. No one can give you anything more than passing advice, support, or encouragement. The true work, the true decisions, the choice, each and every morning to work towards who you want to be--those things are in YOUR hands.

I wish you luck and love and the strength to move forward, onward, upward!

Anonymous said...

The second anomymous commenter nailed it absolutely on the head: "I think part of the problem is that you're looking outside yourself and to other people for things that can ONLY come from you."

I went through the same cycle you described numerous times, but I ultimately came to a point that people call the "Phoenix" moment where I finally got sick and tired and refused to keep going as I had.

The community aspect of health and weight loss, but to be honest, the biggest, most important part of it all is your own mental fight. Win in your mind, and you can lose weight. Choose to make yourself accountable to yourself and to what you want to become, and you will.

But if you keep saying you can't and you won't, then guess what? You'll remain just as fat as you are right now. But CHOOSE not to be and build an iron will and watch those pounds come off.

But here's an easy practical tip: throw out everything in your house that trips you up: cookies, sweets, snacks, pop, etc.

It sounds, by your own admission, that you are an "emotional eater." I've never been, so I don't have any help or resources there, but Google it and see what help you can find.

Amber said...

Wow, Kristen, you have some awesome support on here! I know we are only aquaintances through our emails and a few calls, but I feel a real connection with you because of the similar things we have both gone through in regard to our weight. Every person is different, so it is so hard to convey that motivation to someone else. Here is what is motivating me right now: I want to live forever LOL! Actually, with my melanoma diagnosis (which looks promising that I will be 100% cured of) it really made me realize how much life is worth living. The last time I lost weight it was because of my blood pressure. I gained it back with the pregnancy, and then some, but soon after that I learned I had melanoma. Since it looks like I've beaten the cancer, I want to do everything possible to increase my health and well-being. I just had surgery, so I can't do any repetitive exersize for at least 10 days, but I am concentrating on eating less. But I know this is still going to be a long, hard road. I am sort of considering counseling. Maybe it's something you would want to look into. I've never been to any kind of therapy before, so I would hope that it would help me figure out the underlying reason to my overeating/lazyness. I also am developing a much closer relationship with God. I feel like He has answered a lot of my prayers lately, and I know that he will help me with my weight loss journey if I ask Him to. I think the key to my weight loss is going to be WHY I want to lose. At this point in my life, its not all about looks. I mean, of course I would like to look better, and I sure would love to be able to buy "normal" size clothes, but its more the health issues that I want to get rid of and prevent. I also think that lowering your goals can help. I don't feel that its realistic to me to lose 10-15 pounds in a month. Maybe for 1 month, but to continue that for much longer than that is really going to take a toll. And if 10 pounds in a month was my goal and I didn't reach it, I would feel really upset about it. I have a goal to lose 26 pounds by April 30th. That's less than 4 pounds a month and is very reachable. And it will be ok if I only lose 2 one month, because its still a reachable goal to lose 6 the next month. TOPS is the group I go to and they are a huge motivator, too. You get to follow your own plan, they are just there to support you through the ups and downs. And one last thing, I don't count calories very often. I actually count fiber grams. I aim to get over 30 grams of fiber a day. It really helps you feel fuller and it will help with sweets cravings. You'll end up eating less without even realizing it. Well, I know this probably wasn't much help, but I still think you're doing great. You are holding yourself accountable and I know you will reach your goals, you just might want to give it a little more time to get there.

Rachel said...

Perhaps you should try to do something else with your time so you do not get bored or sad and want to eat. I have started doing a lot more exercise recently and I have found that it works well as an appetite suppressant and also seems to motivate me to eat more healthily.